@article{oai:shitennojiuniversity.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000361, author = {Kerrigan, Robert J.}, issue = {69}, journal = {四天王寺大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Foreign language (L2) aptitude has been recognized as a cognitive construct that is monumental in a person’s ability to learn a foreign language. Researching aptitude once held prominence in the field of second language acquisition, but it has received less attention from researchers of late. However, some researchers have acknowledged its significance in the role L2 acquisition, and the construct of L2 aptitude has evolved to better highlight its complex nature. Furthermore, there are a plethora of instruments designed to accurately measure a leaner’s L2 aptitude, such as the MLAT and the PLAB. However, such instruments can be taxing on a learner’s cognitive resources. The purpose of this study was to assess and validate one type of L2 aptitude test, known as the Lunic Language Marathon (LLM), as a more accessible viable option compared to more well-known aptitude tests. In this study, 121 university students participated in the validation study by taking the first two subsections of the LLM: the Lunic Numbers and Lunic Writing. The results were analyzed using Rasch analysis. The findings revealed that as a general measurement of L2 aptitude, the LLM is sufficient. Furthermore, a closer inspection of the Lunic Numbers subsection indicated that it was a reliable measurement of auditory memory. However, the Lunic Writing subsection suffered from a ceiling effect, affecting the reliability of this section as a measurement of phonetic coding ability.}, pages = {227--240}, title = {第二言語適性測定のための有効な指標としてルニック・ランゲージ・マラソンを検証}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ケリガン, ロバート} }